Surprising Facts About Dental Implant Restoration


Did you know that dental implant restoration is one of the most common procedures performed in the United States? In fact, according to a professional dentist in Richmond referring to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, over three million Americans have dental implants each year. This number is only going to continue to grow as more and more people realize the benefits of dental implant restoration. But there is something more. Today, we will reveal some surprising facts about this popular procedure.

Dental Implant Procedures Are the Oldest Form of Surgery

Dental implant restoration is one of the oldest forms of surgery, having been practiced since ancient times. In fact, archaeologists have discovered evidence that dates as far back as 4000 BC. In fact, ancient china used implants made from bamboo. The technique has evolved over the centuries, with modern materials and techniques making them more reliable than ever before.

A Dental Implant Is Resistant to Cavities and Decay

Dental implants are made from titanium, a highly resistant material to corrosion and decay. This means dental implants are far less likely to develop cavities or other forms of decay than natural teeth. As such, they can last much longer than traditional dentures and bridges. What’s more, they require less maintenance, making them a great choice for those looking to maintain their oral health. Not only that, but the titanium material is also durable and can withstand significant force.

Dental Implants Can Help Improve Your Facial Structures

structureNot only do dental implants help restore your smile and confidence, but they can also help improve the structure of your face. This is because dental implants act as prostheses, helping to restore the structures of your face and jaw. This can help improve the appearance of your smile and make you look younger. As a matter of fact, dental implants can even help with the alignment of your teeth and jaw.

It Can Preserve Bone and Stimulate the Growth

Did you know that dental implants can also help preserve the bone in your jaw? This is due to the fact that they stimulate the surrounding bone, helping to promote the growth of new bone cells. This helps keep your jawbone strong and healthy while providing a stable foundation for dental implants.

Without a doubt, dental implant restoration is a very popular procedure, and it is easy to see why. Not only can it help restore your smile, but it can also help preserve the structure of your face and jaw, protect you from cavities and decay, and even promote the growth of new bone cells. If you are looking for a reliable way to restore your smile and oral health, dental implant restoration may be the right choice.

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