Tag: dentist


Surprising Facts About Dental Implant Restoration

Did you know that dental implant restoration is one of the most common procedures performed in the United States? In fact, according to a professional dentist in Richmond referring to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, over three million Americans have dental implants each year. This number is only going to continue to grow as more and more people realize the benefits of dental implant restoration. But there is something more. Today, we will reveal some surprising facts about this popular procedure.

Dental Implant Procedures Are the Oldest Form of Surgery

Dental implant restoration is one of the oldest forms of surgery, having been practiced since ancient times. In fact, archaeologists have discovered evidence that dates as far back as 4000 BC. In fact, ancient china used implants made from bamboo. The technique has evolved over the centuries, with modern materials and techniques making them more reliable than ever before.

A Dental Implant Is Resistant to Cavities and Decay

Dental implants are made from titanium, a highly resistant material to …

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dental consultation

Excellent Benefits of a Regular Visit to a Dentist

Did you know that a regular visit to the dentist is not only good for your teeth but also for your wallet? Most people don’t think they need to visit the dentist until they’re experiencing pain. The truth is, regular visits are essential for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Dentists can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease with regular check-ups. They can diagnose issues early on so you can avoid more serious conditions from occurring later in life. Now, let’s take a look at the benefits of visiting your dentist regularly!

Maintains Your Dental Health

dental treatmentFirst and foremost, a visit to the dentist for a check-up can help maintain your dental health. Dentists perform regular tests and monitor any changes in your mouth throughout the year, so you don’t have to worry about developing cavities or gum disease.

Dentists are trained professionals who know how to spot any oral health issues early on. Dentists can also offer advice to patients about how they can improve their brushing and flossing …

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